
Special transport in the Netherlands

You may not think about it every day, but there is an awful lot involved in special transport. Other terms for special transport are 'convoi exceptionnel' or 'exceptional transport' and that is where our specialism lies. We do give it our daily attention, advise our clients and drive along the route. Our experience in the field of exceptional transport is extremely broad. That makes our company the partner to work with. Giving advice in advance, analysing routes and preparing reports for permit applications. It is all part of our job and part of safely transporting large objects by road.

Expertise in special transport

Transporting parts of wind turbines, construction machinery, aircraft or entire holiday homes, you name it, it will be moved from A to B. Before this happens, Special Cargo Logistics plans the route and times precisely. On the way, there should be no obstacles to impede transport and it may be necessary to temporarily remove traffic signs, lampposts or crash barriers. Also, tunnels should not be too low and tight bends should be avoided.

Permit and transport guidance

Vehicles that deviate from standard dimensions or take to the road with outsize loads fall under exceptional transport. At that point, all kinds of rules and preparations apply. Special Cargo Logistics started as an independent company in spring 2022. SCL is engaged as an all-round logistics expert to manage special transport. This involves large-scale transports that require a permit and often transport supervision.

Get in touch

Through this website, we inform about our specialist services and projects. For questions about special transport, please contact contact us.


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